February 28, 2013

Final scene from To The Gallows By Carriage, If You Please (1974)

  "Have you any last words, you ignominious cur?!" the ultra-religious sheriff screeched.
  Hank Fortknox regarded the man with a breed of contempt one'd usually ascribe to a diabetic coyote.
  "All's I gots to say is this...."

February 27, 2013

Scene from Final Force (1984)

  The year 2116. Just five years after the big one hit and the entire world was destroyed except for Arizona. Those that survived became increasingly desperate, and as such, increasingly more difficult to control. And so a militia was formed: Final Force.

Opening scene from Thraxton (1992)

  Ted Thraxton strode through the entrance of the Shop Mart like a colossal bullet laced with liquid sex. The rent-a-cop at the entrance gave Ted a knowing smirk before snaking his right hand into his pants pocket to adjust the shameful erection that was already forming.