April 23, 2013

Scene from series finale of Ms. D.M.S.B.B. Swain (1998)

  She kicked open the forensics lab doors with one of her steel-toed high heel shoes.
  "Alright, listen up! Here's the deal, people. My name is Ms. Detective Master Sergeant Beverlee B. Swain and I will be overseeing this operation. Someone give me a sit rep."

April 1, 2013

Alternate ending from A Maligned Jurisprudence (1987)

  "All rise for the honorable Judge Hardcase," the bailiff chirped.
  Hotshot attorney James Gravy straightened his silk tie and stood alongside his client, alleged murderer Dr. Fred Horkaboo. James murmured sideways to him, sotto voce, "Don't worry, I got this. The judge and I go way back. When we were kids I once beat him half to death with a pillowcase full of padlocks."
  Fred opened his mouth to protest but James shushed him with a manicured finger.